Terms and Conditions – Global Online Competition For Jazz Musicians – 10th Edition
Article 1 The Competition
The 7 Virtual Jazz Club’s Contest will be hosted on our official website www.7virtualjazzclub.net
Article 2 Who Can Participate?
The contest is open to jazz musicians, groups or soloists of all ages, worldwide.
Article 3 Categories
The categories for the 10th edition of the contest are:
Amateurs: soloists and bands of all ages and all nationalities are welcome, provided the artist is fully independent (i.e. no booking agent, no recording company or publisher);
Professionals: all other musicians not belonging to the Amateurs’ category.
Article 4 How to Participate
Any musician can participate by uploading one or multiple videos to the web site, according to the instructions on the Enter Now page.
Article 5 Prizes and Awards
The prizes and awards are specified on the website’s Prizes page.
Every changes will be indicated on the official website.
Article 6 Entries
Article 6.1 Entries
Entries are open from October 30th, 2023 to January 30th, 2024.
New deadline: February 29th, 2024.
The 7 Virtual Jazz Club, if necessary, reserves the right to make changes to the entry dates. Changes will be indicated on the official website.
Article 6.2 Fees
Amateur fee: 25 €uros for the first video sent and 15 €uros for each additional video.
Professional fee: 50 €uros for the first video sent and 15 €uros for each additional video.
Article 6.2 Membership
By paying the registration fee for the contest, the participant will automatically be a member of the 7 Virtual Jazz Club Network.
Article 7 Video Rules
Videos cannot exceed 7 minutes in length. Performances must be recorded live, on any device (even a smartphone). No cuts or edits are allowed. Additional backing tracks to complete the arrangement are allowed. Soloists may perform solo or with a band. Multi-window videos with musicians recording from different places will be accepted.
NB: Video quality will not be judged. It is important, however, that the audio be of sufficient quality to enable judges to correctly evaluate the performance.
Article 8 How the contest works
8.1 Selections
Video entries are assigned to judges who score each piece in three specific areas :
– creativity;
– improvisation quality;
– interplay between the musicians (for group performances).
Our method:
Each video performance is assigned to a group of judges outside of the competitor’s own geographical area.
8.2 Live Performance and Web Community prize
The best videos will be posted on the official website and remain visible for 30 days. The web community will have the opportunity to score the videos and help their favorite artists get to the finals.
Each voter may rate a video only once. Voters will need to register on the official website in order to vote. By the end of this round, the most voted musician in each of the two categories wins the Web Community Prize granting them direct access to the Finals where they will compete with the finalists chosen by the judges.
8.3 The Final
For both the categories, the two musicians (or more in case of equal votes) with the highest score from each group of judges, will have access to the final.
8.4 Jury Prizes
The entire jury evaluates the finalists from both categories. Their scores will be cross-ranked and prizes assigned to the 3 top ranked artists from each category.
Article 9 Responsibility
According to Italian law, any contestant waives the organization from all direct and indirect responsibility.
Article 10 Confirmation of registration
The Competition will confirm artist registration via an automatic email. Confirmation of registration does not confirm inclusion in the contest. Some submissions may be not be eligible.
Article 11 Consent to the processing of personal data
Participation in the 10th online international competition for jazz musicians involves the issuance of consent to the processing of personal data, as provided under GDPR 2016/679 UE “Protection of people and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data” and subsequent amendment with Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 “Code regarding the protection of personal data,” for the conduct and management of the competition. By submitting the requested material, the competitor authorizes the use of it by the 7 Virtual Jazz Club. Personal information will not be shared with third parties in any way.
Article 12 Other uses of material sent for promotional purposes
By applying and accepting these regulations, artists allow the 7 Virtual Jazz Club to use material sent, for any promotional purpose and publicity tied to it.
Terms and Conditions – 7 Virtual Jazz Club Network
Article 1 The Network
The 7 Virtual Jazz Club Network will be hosted on our official website www.7virtualjazzclub.net
Article 2 Who can become a member?
The network is open to musicians, lovers, producers, jazz clubs, agencies, teachers, broadcasters,
journalists, bloggers of all ages, worldwide.
Article 3 How to become a member?
To become a member of the 7VJC Network you must pay an association fee of 10 €uros, by filling out a
form with your personal information. The membership is valid for one calendar year (starting January 1st
and ending automatically on December 31st).
- Article 5 Members Benefits
By becoming a member you can enjoy the following benefits:
● Enter the network database and interact with all the other members
● Upload information on upcoming events
● Enter several groups and forums for discussions on specific topics
● Look and apply for jobs in the jazz field
● Being interviewed by the 7VJC team (for musicians only). The interview will be posted on our
Submit a press release
There are additional benefits upon payment of an additional fee:
● “Advanced” interview (or video interview) hosted by professionals of the industry from all over the
● Development of a personalized professional website
● Creation and production of a professional music video
● Advertising campaigns on our social media pages
● Adding your music to our Spotify, Soundcloud and YouTube playlist
● e-learning: lessons tailored to musicians of every level for every instrument. Group lessons,
streaming or recorded lessons are also available.
Article 6 Responsibility
According to European law, any contestant waives the organization from all direct and indirect
Article 7 Confirmation of registration
The 7VJC will confirm the member registration via an automatic email. Confirmation of registration does
not confirm inclusion in the network. Some submissions may not be eligible. Registration is automatically
confirmed if no different communication is received by the 7VJC within the 60 days following the
Article 8 Content supervision
The 7VJC association is not responsible for the material updated on the 7VJC Network that might result
offensive or cause damage to third parties. The association will take care of deleting any sort of media (text, picture or similar) which might result in third parties’ discrimination, and to permanently deleting the profile of members not respecting the network’s guidelines.
Article 9 Consent to the processing of personal data
Participation in the 7VJC Network involves the issuance of consent to the processing of personal data, as provided under GDPR 2016/679 UE “Protection of people and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data” and subsequent amendment with Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 “Code regarding the protection of personal data,” for the conduct and management of the competition. By submitting the requested material, the competitor authorizes the use of it by the 7 Virtual Jazz Club. Personal information will not be shared with third parties in any way.
Article 10 Other uses of material sent for promotional purposes
By accepting these regulations, all members allow the 7 Virtual Jazz Club Network to use the submitted
material and information for promotional purposes and publicity tied to it.