7 Virtual Jazz Club Launches New Playlists on Spotify!

Breaking News: 7 Virtual Jazz Club Launches New Playlists on Spotify!

The 7 Virtual Jazz Club is thrilled to announce the creation of two new playlists on Spotify!

🎵 Certified Classics: This playlist is a carefully curated collection of the most iconic and beloved tracks across all genres. It invites listeners to dive into the classics that have defined generations. Find the full description here.

🌍 New Global Grooves: This vibrant playlist features a selection of new musical trends from around the world, showcasing the new sounds that are currently redefining music. Discover the new sounds here.

Emerging artists looking for visibility are encouraged to contact the 7 Virtual Jazz Club to be added to their dedicated Spotify playlist for emerging artists. Interested artists can reach out via Instagram or by emailing [email protected].

Additionally, the 7 Virtual Jazz Club reminds all jazz enthusiasts to register for the 11th edition of their contest. This is a unique opportunity to receive prizes and be judged by an international panel of experts. Sign up here.

For more updates, follow the 7 Virtual Jazz Club on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube!

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